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 "Marriage should be a duet - when one sings, the other claps."
- Joe Murray

Lori Staggs and Dave McDaniel
December 21, 2002


Things To Do
Purdue Engineering Fountain
Whether lit up at night for a romatic stroll or in your bathing suit as you run through the water, this is a Purdue landmark that you MUST see!

Wolf Park
A unique educational and research wildlife park. Open Tues. thru Sun. (May through November), 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wolf-bison demonstrations start at 1 p.m. on Sunday. Saturday programs change themes each month, and deal with such topics as "Folklore of the Wolf," "History of Wolf Park," "Animal Training," etc. Wolf Howl Nights are every Saturday night at 7:30 p.m., year round and Friday & Saturday from May to November at 7:30 p.m. (canceled if rain or snow). Group tours available throughout the year.

Link:  http://www.wolfpark.org/
Contact:  (e-mail wolfpark@wolfpark.org)
Address: (map)
Battle Ground IN
Phone: 765-567-2265
Fax: (765) 567-4299
Cost: $5.00 adults, Kids 6-13 are $3.00
Note: This is a tremendous experience. If you get a chance to go, please do. You will remember it the rest of your life!
Bruno’s Swiss Inn
Great Pizza and Bruno non-challantly tosses a pizza up in the air to be caught by his son, and without missing a beat, begins tossing a second one while a ladle of sauce goes on the first. A legacy, a tradition, a rhythm of time and a cadence of life.

Address: (map)
212 Brown Street
West Lafayette IN
Phone: 765-743-1668
Note: This is where we went after Dave proposed to Lori.
Szechuan Garden Chinese Restaurant
A great place for a quick bite to eat.

Address: (map)
945 Sagamore Parkway West
West Lafayette IN
Phone: 765-463-2364
Art Museun of Greater Lafayette
A contemporary art museum featuring the Weil Gallery of American and Indiana Art, major national traveling exhibitions in the East Gallery, Sales and Rental Gallery, and the Museum Art Store featuring arts and crafts by regional artists. Classes for adults and children's activity areas are in the fall, winter, and summer.

Link:  http://www.glmart.org/
Address: (map)
102 N 10th Street
Lafayette IN 47905
Phone: (765) 742-1128
Fax: (765) 742-1120
Cost: Adults - $2, Children - $1
Purdue Campus Tours
Get a personal tour from a friend of mine.

Link:  http://www.purdue.edu/Admissio
Address: (map)
250 Northwestern Ave
West Lafayette IN 47906
Phone: (765) 494-1776
Civic Theatre
For more than 60 years, Civic Theatre has been part of Lafayette's social life. It has grown and thrived entirely through the efforts of those hundreds and hundreds of people who generously have given their time and talents.

Contact:  (e-mail LafCivic@aol.com)
Address: (map)
313 N. 5th Street
Lafayette IN
Phone: 765-423-PLAY
City Search for West Lafayette IN
This is a list of general things to do in the area.

Link:  http://national.citysearch.com
Lori and Dave
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